Thursday, May 5, 2011

To Infinity And Beyond

Darlington, SC. The only thing I remember about this race, last year, was that my socks were wet due to a "hail the Virgin Mary" rainstorm, that passed thru just in time for qualifying tech. And in pure "first day" fashion I didn't bring a change of socks.

This year life is different. I'm not going to ramble on about how different life is for once.. it seems to be all I do these days. Life is different. It's boring. You got it. I know. I do, however, have a few necessary confessions to make... the first is I am lonely. I’m not used to traveling alone. I miss the Harrys. Those guys were such good sources of amusement and material for this blog. Second, I drink alone. Yup, all of those rides in Dad’s truck listening to some good ol’ George Thurgood taught me that this is not only ok but it can be phenomenal. I also just realized that I have been spelling phenomenal wrong for quite some time. Third, Most all of my blogs have been born and raised under one motto "Write drunk. Edit sober." And lastly, I believe I was a super hero in a past life.

I am aware I have just dropped a palate full of delicious items on you but the one I wish to expand on is the Super Hero one.. hear me out. Tonight I was alone, heading home from dinner :before drinking my dale-deuce (what I call 32oz) Coors Light: and a car started to pull out in front of me. As I drove past I realized that I had my right hand up as if to say "halt/stop/freeze." I then began thinking... I have done crazy shit like this before. It would seem as tho I know what is about to happen or I have some sort of cheesy way of heading off impending disaster. I also love wearing my wonder woman costume... which may or may not be related. ending I am going to pretend for the rest of my days that reincarnation is, in fact, real and I was once someone amazing like Buzz Lightyear or Chuck Norris. Maybe then, this hotel room won't feel so lonely and this life won't seem so hopelessly boring. Until next time, "To Infinity AND Beyond." that came so's scary..

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