The Harrys and I are smack dab in the middle of P2 (P2 is the second practice session of the day), it was a good p2 in case you were wondering. Anywho, I look up and there he is. In all his racefan glory. Today is his big day. Obviously. I mean this cat has been planning this day for a long, long time...I think.
Please allow me to paint the best mental picture that I possibly can :aheem: Dick Trickle throw back t-shirt, black Spandex bike shorts, and red, lace-up, wrestling boots. He was epic. A sight. a mystical creature of sorts. Nessy, the Loch Ness Monster...maybe. I would have insisted that I get my picture taken with him except, like I said, P2, lots going on, etc.
Ok, ok lets just call him, "The Undertaker" for obvious reasons. Well the single, most important piece of his ensemble was the checkered flag fanny pack. Sure, I have proudly worn a fanny pack before. I totally get it, they are cool, convenient and hands free. They were the bees knees back in the day, on the field trip to the Science Center. If I were to wear one nowadays I would fear my chances of a date would be somewhere between slim and none. Soooo..I think it's safe to say, I avoid them.
The point is, as much as I belly laugh at "The Undertaker" the fact is, he's a race fan. He's the reason I get paid. Solely, single handidly, this guy makes my personal dream come true. He reaches into his checkered flag fanny pack (buys a ticket) and pays for me to wrench on these race cars because he's a fan. Wrestling boots and all, first and foremost he's a race fan.
Ok, ok lets just call him, "The Undertaker" for obvious reasons. Well the single, most important piece of his ensemble was the checkered flag fanny pack. Sure, I have proudly worn a fanny pack before. I totally get it, they are cool, convenient and hands free. They were the bees knees back in the day, on the field trip to the Science Center. If I were to wear one nowadays I would fear my chances of a date would be somewhere between slim and none. Soooo..I think it's safe to say, I avoid them.

The cast of ccharacters that is race fans is a sight to be seen. It is my "Comedy Channel" while on the road. Much like Raiders fans, they live for the shock factor that they cause with their "raceday" get-ups. Deep down I hope the boots and fanny pack are his "get-up" to assist with getting Carl's (Edwards) autograph but for all I know they may be standard. If it's standard, I am sorry, Undertaker. Please don't hit me in the head tomorrow with an aluminum chair when you see me. You're my hero. Or better yet, you are my sponsor. Living life the way you want, even if it is in a Dick Trickle t-shirt, cheering on racecars. Lose the fanny pack or lose the boots just please don't lose your love for NASCAR. You Sir, help my dreams come true, and for that I Thank You.
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